
Sorry to hear this radio has no audio on your device. Please try the options underneath to see if the problem is related to something technical on your device. If this does not help please send us a mail to and mention the radio station name and its country. If we can we fix it right away!


You need to have the latest version of Windows Media Player installed on your computer. You can download it here.

Firefox Missing Plugin

If Firefox is alerting you about missing plugins you should install the WMP Firefox plugin. You can download it here.
If this WMP Firefox plugin does not work correctly in Firefox, please have a look here for the solution.


You can also enjoy us in Linux if you are using Ubuntu, to do so, follow the next steps:

  1. First, open the Package Manager.
  2. Then, select and install the following packages: gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse, mplayer and gecko-mediaplayer.

Real Player

Also, you might need Real Player installed for certain radio stations that only stream with Real Audio. You can download it here.